Friday, February 11, 2011

After Sargent, Head of a Capri Girl, 8 x 10"

Head of a Capri Girl by John Singer Sargent

What an experience, to carefully look and attempt to copy a painting by a master!

My darks could be darker and I should use more paint and medium, since the thinner paint seems to have been absorbed by the canvas. My drawing and colors are a bit off, which is so clear when I look at these small, posted images. (Want a good laugh? In my painting, her ears must be pierced in different places! The earring on our left is too high.)  In the future, I'll try viewing my work in a mirror and see if that helps. It was a lot to take on, but what a blast to do! I can definitely see the value of exercises like this.

In the meantime, I'm working on a portrait of my older son, from a photograph. Stay tuned, and thanks so much for visiting.


Sandra Galda said...

Great job Pam!!!!!!!!

Judy Hartman said...

I can only say ~ How Beautiful!!!

Lorraine Shirkus said...

Really great attempt! Oh . . . to be able to paint like Sargent!

Stephanie Berry said...

Lovely!--Don't you love Sargent?