Saturday, April 16, 2011

Egg and Spoon, limited palette

This still life is done with a limited palette, using burnt sienna, ultramarine blue, yellow ochre light, and titanium white. Claudia Hammer's limited palette sugar bowl painting inspired me to add yellow ochre to my mix. Check out Claudia's teapot series, as well as her blog in general. She does beautiful work!

Once again, this is a scanned painting and I did adjust the colors to try to better match what it looks like to me, but be warned—who knows if it's "accurate"? Moving on...


Karen L R said...

This is absolutely beautiful! I love the simplicity of the composition and the calm it creates.

Mary Pyche said...

It's a beauty! I love it.

Libby Fife said...

Hey, we are on the same track! I am doing 9 small paintings using just the palette that you described. It is really challenging using just those three colors isn't it? Your painting looks great:)

Judy Hartman said...

Oh, I love this Pam. The shadows, the solidity of the egg, dish and spoon, the mystery and yet calm you've created. Another beautiful piece!

Painting Tips and Tricks said...

This is a great painting! I like what you did with the egg and spoon!...Daniel

Painting Tips and Tricks said...

I like your blog! By the way, If u have time, drop by my painting blog. Thanks!.. .daniel

Pam Perras said...

Thanks for all of your comments! If you haven't bumped into Daniel's blog, "Painting Tips and Tricks," check it out. I put a link in my Artist Links column on my blog. I found a lot of helpful ideas to put into practice. Thanks a lot Daniel! Nice to meet you.

Vittorio said...

Ottimo dipinto, Pamela. Forse non é importante ma mi piacerebbe sapere quando tempo hai impiegato a finirlo. Sembra di essere uno studio veloce ma con grande attenzione ai dettagli ed all'effetto generale.

Claudia Hammer a Painting a day said...

I love this limited palette painting. You did a great job! How interesting the composition is with the space in the foreground. Interesting shadows.