Friday, June 17, 2011

Returning soon...

Dear Visitors,

It's been such a busy time, with Life Events occurring in this order:
  • work done—and re-done correctly—on our house,
    (good for us and the environment, but ever-so-frustrating);
  • scary, emergency-type illness of my Dad (now in rehab, which is good);
  • an end-of-the-school-year tragedy that caused hearts to break;
  • and finally, happy events of my sons and their cousins.
Treasure the people you love, use your time wisely, give a little to others! :)

I hope you're all well.
See you soon,

1 comment:

Judy Hartman said...

Hope you and your family have some time for rest and renewal, Pam. Wishing you well.